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Live without pretending, Love without depending, Listen without defending, Speak without offending.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Grandma, I Love You

Grandma, I love you
like the ocean loves the sky
the time we spend must never die
my heart so full with your comfort
nothing can come between to hurt
Grandma, I love you

Grandma, I need you
like a fish needs gills
You are so far, and it kills
to just be with you once again,
all around me, within soft rain
Grandma, I need you

Grandma, I love you,
no matter where the stars will start
your spirit always shines in my heart
Grandma, I love you


  1. awwh. This is so cute, it definitely put a smile on my face. : )

  2. Thank you so much Palita :) I'm going to go read your now heheh!!

  3. Vanessa! Your poem is adorable and I can tell it really comes from your heart. :) I feel like I can really relate to it considering I also dedicated my post to my grandma as well! I love your similes, great job!! :)

  4. Thank you Kitty! It means a lot :) ... Love to all the grandmas out there!
