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Live without pretending, Love without depending, Listen without defending, Speak without offending.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Physics Pain

Thanks for your pains,
You promised no less to them.
What good could they pretend?
For I, cannot be ill; cannot be good.
They have more in them than mortal knowledge,
Yet do I fear thy nature?

Thriftless ambition that would make good of bad.
And restless ecstasy would make friends of foes
Have else desired good advice, both grave and prosperous.
Yet dark night strangles the traveling lamp of dire combustion and confused events.
But within this hour at most, your spirits shine through you. 

Upon this bank and shoal of time, we'd jump the life to come.
This might be the be-all and the end-all here. Sleep no more.
For a false creation proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain
Met me in the day of success.

the witches control us...?

This is an extremely, psychotic, random theory I came up with for what Ms. Mah told us in class. Today Ms. Mah said that some people believe Shakespeare didn't write all his plays and some anonymous person (the witches or evil spirits) did. They thought that the anonymous person must have put all the tragedy, weirdness, and uniqueness into the plays. So...does that mean that the people who believe in the anonymous person believe that they casted a spell within the words...and that whenever someone reads it they are taken under the spell...and since so many people have been reading the plays for so long ....what does that say about the Great Chain of Being today...? hhmmmm